Make it stand out


We work with those who are helping make the world a better place, whether it’s a non profit organization, company, entrepreneur, artist, or researcher, as long as there is merit in the work and a story to tell we will find a way to help you tell it the way it should be in order to grow your business, spread awareness, scale, or share your message.

We specialize in narrative video content strategy solutions.



Our original cinematic stories all take place within the same Universe. We plan on focusing through multiple works, series, and films on a story about our journey in life told through the perspective of a human descendants on Mars. Taking on the lens of a fantastical science fiction epic, this story is meant to evolve in its meaning and interpretation the more layers are peeled back over time.

Our filmmaking services aside from our original creations include:

Directing, Cinematography, Screenwriting, Sound Design, Color Grading, Editing, Camera Operation, Assistant Camera, Assistant Directing,

In tandem with our narrative video services, we are taking on the task of what will be considered impossible by most.

The RavenGard Project is an attempt to tell the biggest story on Earth. It is a concept to intertwine multiple artistic forms of expression (Literature, Cinema, Music, Dance, Gaming, etc.) into one digital Narrative Universe to tell the story of us. Who we are, who we were, and who we could be.

The goal is to create an artistic thumbprint of humanity with the dream of sending it into the regions in known space that are most likely to hold the possibility of life.

The project is in its infancy and is looking to begin conversations with